Our Activites

The LWV of Lake Minnetonka Plymouth Area engages in a wide array of activities

Voter Engagement

Candidate Forums: Host non-partisan forums featuring candidates running for local and state offices.

New Citizenship Ceremonies: Register new citizens to vote at naturalization ceremonies.

Voter Registration: Register voters at high schools, community events, and community businesses.

Senior Citizen Outreach: Provide voter education, register senior citizens and request absentee ballots in senior residences across our communities.

Civic Education

Youth Civic Engagement: Work with high school Fellows to lead voter registration and education in their schools and learn about government and democracy with their peers.

Studies & Publications: Conduct periodic studies on key issues in regards to voting,
elections and the legislature.

Issues & Education Forums: Educate communities about issues.

Member Enrichment

Member events: Host bi-monthly membership meetings on current issues such as voting rights, redistricting, climate change and equal rights; participate in conferences, rallies, parades, voter registration events, Day at the Capitol; provide monthly electronic LWV Lake Minnetonka Plymouth Area Updates.

DEI Book Club: Host bi-monthly Book Club discussing fiction and non-fiction that illuminates issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. Contact Annie Wiborg at mwiborg@mchsi.com to participate.

Member training: Provide training for voter registration, moderating, lobbying, event planning, etc.

Resources for local leagues: Access support of state LWV Minnesota office staff.

Consensus Meetings on State Studies (e.g. Gun Violence, Death with Dignity)

State and Local Advocacy

Observer Corps. & Lobby Corps: Participate in structured programs that train volunteer lobbyists/observers.

Capitol letter & Action Alerts: Receive monthly news blasts from LWV MN and LWV US; review reports/updates on current legislative session.

Program for Action: Take action on LWV positions on range of public policy issues (e.g. climate change, gun violence prevention).

State Advocacy: The League of Women Voters of Minnesota

Join Us.

Membership is open to all genders ages 16 and up. Local leagues are where civic action and democracy thrive.

Smiling woman dog and child holding American flag.